Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lessons I have learned!

I have learned alot in the last month or so. Charlie and I are learning what love really looks like! I am learning that love is a choice not a feeling or mushy gushy stuff. Charlie is turning out to be sweeter than I have seen him and more real and genuine. He is not a touchy feely kinda guy but he encourages me,is truthful,takes care of me,makes me laugh and makes me mad sometimes in the same day,and I see God in him more and more everyday. It is wonderful to have someone you can talk to and know that they will not laugh at you or make fun of you. Girls are learning mamas not letting them get away with things anymore. They still act like kids and is disrespectful at times and does not always do what is right all the time. God gives me patients when I feel their is no patients left. Trust in the Lord with ALL of heart and He will make your paths straight. Jesus is so good. Jesus sticks by my side closer than a brother.

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